Relationship Workshop

The Heart2Heart workshop
offers personal growth and transformation in relationship through an integration of mind, body and spirit. 4 days of enlivening sessions and deep experiential learning supports participants to heal old destructive patterns that interfere with true intimacy to provide a pathway to wholeness.
Workshop Outline
The Heart2Heart workshop provides a safe environment to understand and improve your
relationship through presentations, experiential exercises, practices of mindfulness and private conversations with your partner. Singles are welcome, and need to bring a practice friend. Including
research based information with wisdom from your own unfolding process can deepen your connection, security and aliveness in relationship.
This 4 day workshop is scheduled to provide the opportunity to integrate learning with experience through home practice and a therapy session, which is included.
Day 1 - 3/11: Conscious Relationship requires developing self-awareness of our automatic reactions, so that we can have more choice in how we respond to our partner. Understanding the workings of our brain and nervous system enables us to develop a felt sense of safety to navigate our relationships in the direction of our values and visions.
Day 2 - 10/11: The Dance of Love is based on the music of our attachment emotions. Our earliest relationships form a blueprint for our sense of self and others, which sets the stage for our physiological and emotional responses, beliefs and behaviours in later relationships. Understanding our attachment dance moves us towards more securely functioning relationships to attain deeper connection, intimacy, and trust.
Day 3 - 24/11: From Patterns to Presence we find openness, spaciousness, and wisdom. This discovery can lead to a deeper self-acceptance that creates inner and outer harmony. Relationship provides fertile ground for the emotional growth of self-differentiation and integration of disowned parts of our self into the warmth of holding awareness; making us more whole.
Day 4 - 1/12: Being the Source of Love provides a sanctuary of loving, caring awareness as we commit to an embodied, open-hearted relationship, both with our self and our partner. Psychological inquiry can serve as a powerful ally to spiritual practice, and we discover that intimate relationships can be a profound vehicle for healing, personal growth and self realisation.

Want more information about this workshop or individual / couples counselling?
When we connect deeply with another person, our heart naturally opens

Yet relationship also provides a mirror that brings us up against painful, unresolved emotions from the past. Beyond the limitations of our conditioning, each of us has an inherent wisdom that wants to blossom from the depths of our Being. This becomes an unfolding process of personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation. Within conscious relationship, true intimacy can provide a pathway into wholeness. We discover that love is a transformative power which has the capacity to bring together the polarities of our existence - heaven and earth, unconditioned mind and conditioned mind, male and female, self and other—and heal our divisions, both inner and outer.